"Transforming Our Mindsets to be powerful in Life"

\”Transforming Our Mindsets to be powerful in Life\”

The SVD Seminary Raia, organized a NLP program, on \”Transforming Our Mindsets to be powerful in Life\”, on 20th July, 2022, at SVD Seminary Raia. It dealt with topics such as Power of imagination, Effective Communication, Mind frames, etc. Rev. Fr. Dr. Joaquim Fernandes (SVD) and Mr. Suren Kolkankar ( Int\’l NLP trainer) were the resource persons for the program. 
Fr Joaquim and Mr Suren a NLP International Trainer took two hour session. Mainly focus was on changing our Mindset. He emphased on power of Imagination, importance of focus, maintaining positive performative frames of Mind, effective communication and affirmations. The training was free and around 65 people participated in it. The follow up will be on 7th August, on how to develop our Personality.

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