The Diocesan Centre for Social Communications Media (henceforth DCSCM) is the official organ of the Archdiocese of Goa and Daman for the Apostolate of Social Communications. It was established by Most Rev. Raul Nicolau Gonsalves, Archbishop of Goa and Daman and Patriarch of the East Indies, through his Decree No. CP-Dc./16/79, dated March 28, 1979.
In February 2002, the Church in Goa celebrated a historical Diocesan Synod, after a careful and well-planned preparation that spanned over three years. Drawing inspiration from the renewed vision of the Church as Communion, given to us by the second Vatican Council and by successive Church documents, the Goa Diocesan Synod 2002 outlined, for the Church in Goa, the vision of a vibrant communion of communities, working for the building of the kingdom of God and acting as leaven for a New Society.
The DCSCM, therefore, in its endeavour to be at the service of the Church in this Archdiocese, in accordance with the orientation given by the Goa Diocesan Synod 2002 (cfr. SDS 207), adopts hereby the following Statutes:
- To facilitate the evolvement of a communication environment that will help the Local Church to maintain an active presence in the society.
- To catalyse the sharing of information at all levels of the pastoral life and ministry in the Archdiocese, through the different available means of social communication, by networking with other diocesan, zonal, deanery and parish bodies.
- To utilize the available communication media, especially the Press, the Radio, the Television and the Internet, in order to disseminate any relevant information or produce any programmes in the service of evangelization, pastoral renewal, social action, dialogue and other interests of the Local Church.
- To encourage and provide holistic formation and training in social communications to Church personnel and laity.
- To provide all with adequate Media Education so as to enable them to critically assess, evaluate and use the modern means of communication.
- To guide all media consumers in the proper use of New Communication Technologies (NCTs) and train people in the utilization of NCTs for evangelization.
- To make Public Relations a reality at the diocesan as well as parish levels, by providing communication channels and building friendly relations with the secular media, the civil authorities and with society in general.
- To take the necessary measures for the effective management of media relations in crisis situations.
- To encourage research in social communications and facilitate the sharing of such research results.
- To maintain a data bank of the media available locally as well as of media persons, such as journalists, artists, dramatists, audio and video as well as radio and television professionals, publishers, etc.