Report of Parish and Family Consecration held at St. John the Baptist Church, Pilerne

The 13th of October 2024, the solemn occasion of the feast of Our Lady of Fatima, marked a momentous day for the parishioners of St. John the Baptist Church, Pilerne. On this day, the parish and all the families in the parish were consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, under the leadership of Parish priest, Fr. Derick Fernandes. Holy Mass was held at 7am and 9.30 am, wherein the parishioners participated wholeheartedly and recited a Parish Consecration prayer to Mother Mary invoking her maternal guidance and protection over the parish. It was a heart-warming moment, as it was the first time this rite was performed in the parish. Before the solemn rite was performed, Fr. Derick Fernandes, explained the importance of Marian consecration and its wondrous effects, preparing them to participate unreservedly. He cited examples in history wherein even nations consecrated to Mother Mary had gone through miraculous spiritual conversions.

Further, at 3 pm the parishioners gathered in church to pray the Divine Mercy rosary. At 4 pm the image of Our Lady of Fatima, beautifully decorated with flowers was led in slow procession throughout the streets of the village for a rosary rally wherein the faithful, followed Mother Mary in prayerful disposition. As Our Lady’s request at Fatima was, ‘Prayer, Penance and Sacrifice, the faithful were guided continuously to pray the rosary, meditate and sing Marian hymns as they walked. The procession halted at the various points within the wards and the members of the wards joyfully welcomed Mother Mary with either a prayer dance by children or a Marian hymn. At each point, the parishioners prayed for a specific intention, highlighting the various ongoing issues within the parish, viz land conversion, physical sickness, childlessness, disharmony within families, property disputes etc. A total of 15 intentions were prayed over, with the Word of God and a short reflection. Moreover, it was a delight, to see the Christian migrant community participate and pray.  At each station, Fr. Derick Fernandes, prayed for each family within the ward specifically with the names of the families and consecrated each family to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The experience was very personal and heart-touching. Towards the end of the procession, Fr. Derick assured the silent presence of Mother Mary within our homes and her sure aid and guidance in all our parish affairs, now, in a more powerful manner. Finally, all the pilgrims gathered to have a meal and then dispersed with the riches of the devotion to Mother Mary in their Hearts.

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