A Unique representation of The Last Supper at Paroda Church.
“The depiction seen in the photo below can be explained in the following way:
An affectionate symbol of Lord’s last Supper: The symbol of Commandment of Love, establishment of Holy Eucharist and Formation of Holy Priesthood.
Washing utensils: This portrays the humble act of the Lord our King towards His disciples, he washed their feet and made them part of His holy priestly banquet, this the symbols of washing utensils potrayed there.
Bread: The Lord prayed and broke the bread and served it to His disciples this depicts the everlasting sacrifice that the Lord was about to make. Our loving God gave us a new commandment on this day which says “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another\” (John 13:34-35).
Lastly, we see the symbol of the cock: that reminds us about the denial of Peter the disciple of Lord Jesus.
Overall these affectionate symbols of Maundy Thursday show us the love and sacrifice of Lord towards mankind. This portrait was put forward to us by PPC members of Immaculate Conception Church, Paroda\”. Said Fr. Peter Dsouza, assistant to the Parish Priest, Immaculate Conception Church Paroda.