Diocesan Day of Mass media Apostolate celebrated in the Archdiocese

The annual Archdiocesan Communication day or Day of Mass Media Apostolate was celebrated on 13th October, in the whole Archdiocese of Goa and Daman during the day and specially  at Our Lady of Piety Chapel, Panzorcone, Cuncolim, at 5.30pm, along with the Media Mission currently going on in the Chapel. Fr. Dominic Savio Rodrigues, the chaplain of Our Lady of Piety chapel, Panzorcone was the main celebrant for the Occasion.

In his introductory message Fr. Dominic acknowledged the wonderful work the Diocesan Centre for Social Communications Media, Goa is doing in the Archdiocese and offered his best wishes and prayers for the success of this work and urged the people to make the best use of all the initiatives and opportunities offered by the Communication centre. 

Fr. Barry Cardozo, the Director of Diocesan centre for Social Communications Media, who along with a team of priests, is conducting the media mission in the chapel thanked fr. Dominic for inviting him and his team to conduct this media education program. Explaining the significance of this programme, Fr. Barry placed the present scenario of technological advancement in the world and the importance of knowing the best ways to use these technologies safely. He envisaged that the Media Mission is organised to help us improve our interpersonal communication skills within family, society and also to educate ourselves in the safe and beneficial use of modern communication technologies.

The novena day being dedicated to the youth Fr. Barry gave some tips to the youth to enhance their interpersonal communication skills and highlighted how to safely use social media platforms. He empowered them with some practical suggestions to avoid being victims of cyber bullies, scams and other malpractices on social media. Finally after mass, Fr. Dominic and the Confraria committee members thanked the Diocesan Communication Centre for celebrating the Diocesan communication day in their chapel. Fr. Barry expressed his gratitude to the Chaplain, the committee and specially to the Archbishop and Auxiliary bishop of Goa and all the close collaborators of the Centre.

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