The much loved fest of the Pilernkars, ‘Matiechem fest 3.0’, is all set to be celebrated with pomp and thrill on the 2nd of October 2024. With the core content of the 3rd edition of the fest, highlighting the issues of land conversion and conservation of the natural elements of the environment, the fest is an amalgamation of heritage, culture, tradition subtly ingrained with an awareness of environmental sustainability, hence the name ‘Amchi mati, amcho awaz’ translated as ‘Our soil, Our voice’.
It is noteworthy that the original construct of the fest proposed by Fr. Derick Fernandes, Parish Priest of Pilerne, to the famed Goencho festakar, Mr. Marius Fernandes, came about to be called the ‘The Matiechem Fest. The zeal and positivity of the fest is embedded in the Pilernkars, who along with Fr. Derick Fernandes are continuing with the celebration of their soil.
The event shall begin at 10am with the ‘Passoi’ -a walk with the villagers following three main characters for the day: St. John the Baptist, St. Francis of Assisi and Mahatma Gandhiji and colourful flag-bearers, backed up with a brass band. Further, there will be a parade of floats accompanied with dancers from 5 groups of the village. The floats shall leave us with significant messages on environment and nature conservation.
Insightful conversations regarding nature and its conservation will be included in segments fondly called ‘Bolcaoacheo gozali’ with Mr. Swapnesh Sherlekar, a well-known social activist. The event shall also showcase traditional performances like kolxi dance, the traditional dance of Jharkhand, ‘Ghumtacho nach’ and various others performances alongwith an enthralling performance by Mira-Mira fame, Mr. Seby Fernandes . The stage will be set to the tune of Derepent band.
Not to miss out, the event will cater to a sumptuous traditional goan meal with udke xitt, sambarachi kodi, dudhyachi bhaji, bhazlolo bangdo and vonn. As the event is known to be a sustainable event, the guests are expected to come with their own cutleries to enjoy the goan delicacies.