Media Mission Held at Holy Trinity Church, Nagoa- Arpora

“This is a Unique program touching the day to day living of the people, giving practical tips about interpersonal communication skills needed in the family and how to deal with modern Media, these tips are of utmost importance in the present times with so many technological changes” Said Fr. Rocklin D’Costa, to his parishioners as he gave a vote of thanks to the Diocesan Centre for Social Communications media team, on the Occasion of Media Mission held at Holy Trinity Church Nagoa-Arpora during the Novenas of Nativity of Mother Mary, from 30th August to 8th September.

Media Mission is a Unique program based on Media education and interpersonal communication, touching the day to day lives of the people. The Mission helps the people to reflect on their interpersonal relationship within the family by improving their communication skills and behavioral approach towards each other. It also focuses on communication skills for children and youth . It deals specially with social media, including safety measures while using social media. Some Cyber Scams and how to deal with them are also mentioned. Analysing, news, public opinion and Advertisements to discern the truth behind the message, is also part of the teaching.

All the sessions were based on Scripture and teachings of the Church regarding Communications Media.

People appreciated the unique program expressing that it is the need of the hour but they usually do not have opportunities to listen to such teachings. 

On the feast Day the Parish also celebrated mother’s Day, wherein a short program was conducted under the guidance of Deacon Malcolm, who also assisted during the novena masses.

The DCSCM prepares the themes and assigns a team of priests for the Novenas. Around four priests ( Diocesan and Religious) are provided with resource material for the sermons. However they have the freehand to add more content and deliver it in their own style.

Realizing the importance of such a program DCSCM, Goa would recommend that such program could be conducted in each and every Parish of the Archdiocese for the benefit of the Faithful at whatever time feasible for the Parish. This program could be conducted also for a shorter period in different ways. You may contact Diocesan Centre for Social Communications Media for more details.

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