Media Mission held at Quepem and Carmona

Media Mission a unique Media Education and interpersonal Communication skills enhancement program was held recently at Quepem and Carmona Parishes, during the Novenas and feast. 

Media mission holds special importance this Jubilee Year as it invites us to step back and reflect on the way we relate and communicate with God, with our families and with the world. It may even inspire us to restore back our relationships.

It also focuses on communication skills for children and youth . It deals specially with social media, including safety measures while using social media. Some Cyber Scams and how to deal with them are also touched upon. Analysing, news, public opinion and Advertisements to discern the truth behind the message, is also part of the teaching. 

All the sessions were based on Scripture and teachings of the Church regarding Communications Media. 

People appreciated the unique program expressing that it is the need of the hour and that it also gives them a rare opportunity to listen to such teachings of the church. 

The DCSCM prepares the themes and assigns a team of priests for the Novenas. Around four to Five priests ( Diocesan and Religious) are provided with resource material with the free hand to do their own editing for the sermons. 

Realizing the importance of such a program DCSCM, Goa started this program from June 2024 for the benefit of the Faithful.This program could be conducted also for a shorter period in different ways, including as Lenten Retreats. 

You may contact Diocesan Centre for Social Communications Media for more details.