Message from CBCI on the occasion of Independence Day

Message from CBCI on the occasion of Independence Day

The Catholic Bishops\’ Conference of India extends warm wishes to all citizens on this special occasion of Independence Day. May this day be a reminder of our freedom and a celebration of our unity as a nation.
As India marks its 77th Independence Day, our celebrations are underscored by the recognition that while progress had been made, Challenges persist.
India\’s journey to freedom was not solely forged on the battlefield, but also through the unwavering determination, sacrifices, and visinary leadership of individuals from diverse backgrounds, including the Christian community. Christiean freedom fighters left an indelible mark on INdia\’s history. Their dedication and sacrifices serve as a poignant reminder that the fight for freedom was a collective endeavor that transcended religious and cultural boundaries.
As we celebrate our hard-won freedom, we must also acknowledge that responsibilities that come with it. Our nation\’s strength is derived from its ability to confront and resolve internal challenges with empathy, understanding and unity. The diverse fabric of our country is a source of strength, but it also requires ongoing efforts to ensure that every citizen\’s right and aspirations are respected and protected. This Independence Day, we reaffirm our commitment to fostering a society built on justice, equality and inclusivity. We call upon all stakeholders to engage in meaningful dialogue, seeking solutions that prioritize the well-being and future of all the citizens, especially those who are suffering and feel abandoned due to conflicts, sentiments of hatred and acts of violence, we can work together to build a stronger, more harmonious nation for generations to come. Let us remember that the true spirit of independence lies not only in celebrting the past but also in shaping the future.
This Independence Day, let us honor the principles on which our nation was founded – Justice, equality and the pursuit of a brighter future for all.

Fr. Robinson
PRO, Catholic Bishops\’ Conference India (CBCI)

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