Mother’s Day Celebrated at Pilern Church

Saint Augustine described the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary as an event of cosmic and historic significance, and an appropriate prelude to the birth of Jesus Christ. “She is the flower of the field from whom bloomed the precious lily of the valley,” he said.

The novenas of Nativity of Mother Mary at St. John the Baptist Church, Pilerne commenced on August 30, 2024. All the nine days of the novena were organised by the Sunday Catechetical School which began with the rosary at 5:00 pm, followed by a procession of children and elderly people who honored Mother Mary with flowers and concluded with the Eucharistic celebration.

The themes of the novenas were constructed on the basis of the litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

During the novenas, children dressed as various figures such as Mother Mary, Apostles, Patriarchs, and Prophets according to the daily theme. Fr. Derick Fernandes, the parish priest, celebrated the mass throughout the novenas, and on the feast day, September 8, 2024, at 4:00 pm, Fr. Mevrick and Fr. Elvis concelebrated the mass with Fr. Derick Fernandes, who was the main celebrant. The feast day theme was ‘Vochat! Dev Kurpeche Maie bhaxen Devachi kurpa onnbhovun xubhvortoman porgottat!’

The sermon on the feast day was delivered by Fr. Elvis, summarizing all the themes from the novenas.

Following the mass, there was a cake-cutting ceremony where Mrs. Abigail Lobo cut the cake on behalf of all mothers, along with two others celebrating birthdays and anniversaries. This was followed by an interactive session between Fr. Derick Fernandes and Mrs. Abigail Lobo wherein she shared her testimony about her twin children born after a six-year wait. Additionally, Catechism students Ms. Jenena and Mr. Velanco presented two songs that deeply touched the mothers.

The event included entertainment with questions and riddles presented by the comperés. Snacks were served to everyone and gifts were distributed to the children. The children appreciated their mothers for their constant love and care by making lovely bookmarks. These bookmarks were then displayed on the notice board.

Finally, a ‘Photo Frame Presentation’ was done by the child and their Father, wherein, the frame had to be decorated with the photo of the mother pasted on it. The same was judged by three judges, namely, Ms. Alcina, Ms. Myra and Ms. Carla.

Our Mother’s Day celebration was a heartwarming tribute to the mothers in our parish. We thank God for the gift of our heavenly Mama Mary and all our earthly mothers. The feast and the programme was organised by the Catechists under the leadership and guidance of Fr. Derick Fernandes and Coordinator Pragati Rodrigues.

Report by Althea Fernandes
SCS Secretary

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