Patolleanche Fest celebrated at St. Theresa of Jesus, Chaudi

Patolleanche Fest celebrated at St. Theresa of Jesus, Chaudi

Parishioners of St. Theresa of Jesus, Chaudi celebrated Patolleanche Fest on the occasion of the the Bi-centennial Anniversary of the Church. The old chapel was dedicated to Our Lady of Assumption, so it decided to celebrate on this day. The parish council and the bi-centinary committee along with the youth and catechists organised this event. Everything was done under the guidance of our Parish Priest Fr. Isidorio Dias and Asst. Parish Priest Fr. Newton Fernandes. The programme began with the prayer service by all the somudai leaders followed by a welcome dance by the youth on the theme song composed and sung by Fr. Isidorio Dias. Each somudai had to prepare traditional sweets which was later served to all the parishioners. There was also a traditional dance competition between every somudai. The evening was filled with games and so much fun laughter and joy.

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