Prayer Service at the Old Church of Sancoale

“All the ends of the earth will see the Salvation of our God” (Is 52:10). This magnificent prophecy from the book of Prophet Isaiah foretells the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all the ends of the earth. Countless missionaries in the history, like this great missionary of the Gospel, St. Joseph Vaz have responded to the Risen Lord’s command to make disciples of every nation (cf. Mt. 28:19). By his words, but more importantly, by his exemplary life, he led the people of Goa and Sri Lanka to the faith which gives us “an inheritance among all God’s holy ones” (cf. Acts 20:32).

In St. Joseph Vaz we see a powerful sign of God’s goodness and love for the people of Goa and Sri Lanka. But we also see in him a challenge to persevere in the paths of the Gospel, to grow in holiness ourselves, and to testify to the Gospel message of reconciliation to which he dedicated his life.

Jesus Christ is the Incarnate Word of God, the Eternal Word of the Father and the New Adam. Through him all things were made and in him all people find that light which is the life of the world (cf. Jn. 1: 3-4). Christ, by revealing the mystery of the Father and his Love, “fully reveals man to himself and make clear his sublime calling” (Gaudium et Spec, 22). For this reason, the Church never ceases to proclaim that Jesus Christ is “the way, the truth, and the life” (Jn. 14:6). The mission of St. Joseph Vaz was to proclaim the name of Christ out of obedience to the Truth and out of a desire to share with others the way that leads to eternal life.

With the permission and blessing of our Archbishop Patriarch Most Rev. Filipe Neri Cardinal Ferrao, we at Sancoale for last three years planned to have Parish-wise pilgrimage every Sunday. Each parish is allotted a Sunday to come and organize the rosary, praise and worship, mass and adoration from 3:00pm to 6:00pm at the Old Church or the frontispiece of the Church of Sancoale with your parishioners – minimum 75 and maximum 150. 

Dear Rev. Frs, I pray that, following the example of St. Joseph Vaz, we the Christians of Goa and Sancoale may be confirmed in faith and make an ever greater contribution to peace and justice here in this land of St. Joseph Vaz and the Old Church of Sancoale. This is what Christ asks of us. This is what St. Joseph Vaz teaches us. This is what the Church of Goa needs of us. Let us all strive our best to free this land from the existing bondage and pray that one day with the abundant blessings flowing from the Sacred Heart of Jesus will allow us to erect a big Basilica in the honour of Sacred Heart and St. Joseph Vaz. Please let us be on our knees and putting our hands together pray fervently for this cause.

1Sunday15-09-2024Our Lady of Remedies Church, Betalbatim
2Sunday22-09-2024Our Lady of Gloria Church, Varca
3Sunday29-09-2024Holy Spirit Church, Margao
4Sunday06-10-2024Our Lady of Fatima Church, Dicarpale
5Sunday13-10-2024Savior of the World Church, Loutolim
6Sunday20-10-2024Our Lady of Candelaria Church, Camurlim-Salcete
7Sunday27-10-2024Our Lady of Snows Church, Raia
8Sunday03-11-2024St.Rita’s  Church Maina Curtorim
9Sunday10-11-2024St. Alex Church, Curtorim
10Sunday17-11-2024Mount Carmel Chapel, Curtorim
11Sunday19-01-2025Our Lady of Fatima, Cotto de Fatorpa
12Sunday26-01-2025St. Anthony Church, Cabo de Rama
13Sunday02-02-2025St. Sebastian Church, Cananguinim
14Sunday09-02-2025Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, Betul
15Sunday16-03-2025St. Roque’s Church, Tolecantto
16Sunday23-03-2025St. Francis Xavier Church, Velim
17Sunday02-03-2025Our Lady Queen of Martyrs, Assolna