It was with great honour that for the first time the Parish Pastoral planner of St. Sebastian parish Calvim for the year 2024-25 was released on 4th August 2024 by Calvim Parish Priest, Rev.Fr. Mario Leitao, Dean of Aldona Deanery.
The New PPC of St.Sebastian Church Calvim was reconstituted in May 2024. Fr. Mario Leitao was given the charge of our Calvim Parish starting of the Pastoral year 2024-25. With new dreams, new hopes, new aspirations the Executive committee along with the PPC under the leadership of the Parish Priest Fr. Mario took new steps. The Moderator Mr. Valentine D’lima, who is also the President of the Catechetical Association of Calvim, given his experience in designing planners for Catechetical Association suggested in the Executive committee meeting to have a Parish Planner. Parish Priest and Other Exco members supported his suggestion and it was taken to the PPC meeting. The PPC members liked this idea as it was the first time a Parish Planner was planned. The leaders of the various Associations of the Parish were asked to submit their proposed activities/plans for the year. The moderator took the pains to collate all the planned activities and came up with a tentative planner. After discussing the tentative Parish plan with the PPC members in the PPC meeting, the Parish Pastoral planner was designed. 4th August 2024, on the occasion of Pastors Day, we got the news that our Parish Priest Fr. Mario Leitao was appointed as the Dean of the Aldona Deanery . To commemorate all the events the Parish Pastoral planner was released on 4th August 2024, after the Eucharistic celebration. The planner was released by Fr. Mario Leitao at the presence of Mr.Valentine D’lima (PPC moderator and Catechist President), Mr. Saniton Pereira (Youth President), Mr.Simon Mendes (Attorny-Cofre da Igreja De Sao Sebastiao) and Mrs. Reema Fernandes(PPC Vice Moderator and Catechist Vice President). The Planner was later distributed to all the somudai leaders. The planner was very much appreciated by the Parishioners of Calvim.
Alfredo Fernandes
(PPC Joint.Secretary)