The Dept. of Chemistry, St. Xavier’s College, Mapusa organized a field trip for students of FY Major Chemistry to the National Center for Polar and Ocean Research (NCPOR), Vasco-da-Gama, Goa on 30thSeptember 2024. With the objective of exposing students to India’s premier R&D institution responsible for the country’s research activities in the polar and Southern Ocean realms, a group of 27 students accompanied by staff members were briefed on various mandates of NCPOR such as geoscientific surveys of the ocean realm around India, polar science & cryosphere studies of the polar regions and exploration of gas hydrates and multi-metal hydrothermal mineralisation in the Indian ridge area. During the visit Dr. Ravidas Naik, Project Scientist III, NCPOR advised the students to work smart and be a part of the solution. Fascinated with the wealth of knowledge students interacted with the Resource Person expressing a desire to undertake summer/winter research projects in the prestigious institution. The visit was coordinated by Mr. Mahesh Nair faculty member under the mentorship of Ms. Kathleen Pinto, Head of Department.