Archbishops Engagements for the month of August 2023

Archbishops Engagements for the month of August 2023

2nd (morn)Presides at a meeting of the Diocesan Finance Committee
From 4th to 6th (morn)In Tuticorin, to take part in the Feast of the Shrine Basilica of Our Lady of Snows in the centenary year of that Diocese
7th (morn)Presides over a meeting of the College of Diocesan Consultors
9th (morn)Meets the Team of the Ordinaries of the Archdiocese
11th (morn)Celebrates the Feast Mass of St. Claire with the community of the Poor Clares in the Parish of Socorro
13th (morn)Presides at the Holy Eucharist and Programme on the occasion of the Prison Ministry Sunday at the Parish Church of Siolim
5th (morn)Presides at the Eucharistic Celebration and cultural programme on the occasion of the Solemnity of the Assumption of Our Lady, at the Seminary of Our Lady, Saligao-Pilerne
(aftern)Presides at the Eucharistic Celebration of the Silver Jubilee of the Religious Profession of Sr. Elizabeth Kunjachan, DHM at the Chapel of Nirmala Niwas, Altinho, Panjim
19th (morn)Presides at the Holy Eucharist with the conferral of the Ministries of Lector and Acolyte at the Patriarchal Seminary of Rachol
20th (morn)Celebrates the Eucharist for the participants of the “Emmaus Experience,” organized by the Diocesan Centre for Lay Apostolate at the St. Joseph Vaz Spiritual Renewal Centre, Old Goa
21st (mornPresides at the Feast Mass of St. Pius X at the Pastoral Institute Pius X, Old Goa
22nd (morn)Presides at the Feast Mass of the Immaculate Heart of Mary at the Convent of the Missionaries of Charity in Panjim