Mother’s Day Celebrated at Candelaria Chapel, Porvorim

The Feast of the Nativity of Our Lady on September 8, 2024 was celebrated with a nine-day preparation in Our Lady of Candelaria Chapel, Porvorim. During the Novenas, each Catechism Group organized the Liturgy. On the Feast day, Chaplain Fr Francisco Fernandes in his homily said we should imbibe the values of Mother Mary of humility and service. After the Mass, sweets were distributed to children.

Later, a cultural programme was organized by the Catechetical Association along with the Catechism children and youth. Dances, songs, skits, were presented by the children. Fr Francis recited two poems dedicating to Mothers and teachers.

Mothers, our first teachers, along with the teachers were invited on the stage to cut the cake. Fr Francis said the occasion is organised to honour all the mothers and expressed gratitude for the hardships they bear in bringing up their children. The Mothers and teachers were given a token of appreciation. The programme ended with the Catechists serving tea and snacks to all present for the programme.

Philip M. Dias

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