Sadbhavana Diwas Celebrated by the A.I.C.U.F cell of St. Xavier’s College

The A.I.C.U.F. cell of St. Xavier’s College organized Sadbhavana Diwas on 21st August 2024 to honour Rajiv Gandhi and celebrate unity in diversity. The Principal of the College Ms Ursula Barreto as well as the Administrator Fr Tony Salema highlighted the importance of Inter Religious Dialogue in Academic environments. 

The event, themed “Unitedly proclaim the God of Mercy,” took place in the college Seminar Hall with Fr. Kennet Teles as the Chief Guest. The programme featured scripture readings, meaningful and thematic cultural performances, and an inspiring speech by Fr. Teles, who emphasized the importance of unity, tolerance, and compassion. The event concluded with the Sadhbhavana pledge to uphold peace and unity, followed by a vote of thanks by the Coordinator, Lynn Dsouza and the College Anthem.