Spiritual Enrichment for Deacons’ Families

Spiritual Enrichment for Deacons’ Families

On 26th February 2024, the Pastoral Institute St. Pius X organised a Spiritual Enrichment Program for the family members and relatives of the twelve Deacons of the Archdiocese of Goa and Daman as well as two from the Diocese of Sindhudurg to lay more emphasis on the Spiritual Preparation in view of their Priestly Ordination. The Day’s program began with a biblical based prayer led by Fr. Marcelin, Director of DCC which was followed by an Orientation for proximate preparation for Ordination by Fr. Simião, Director of the Pastoral Institute. Fr. Mario, parish priest of Carambolim gave a practical and prayerful reflection based on the Word of God. The Program concluded with an hour of Eucharistic Adoration led by Fr. Simiao wherein every deacon and her family were led near the Blessed Sacrament and were prayed for. Later, all the14 deacons, their near and dear ones and the staff members shared in the fellowship meal.

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