Lenten Retreat – DYC Goa

Lenten Retreat – DYC Goa

The Diocesan Youth Centre, organized a Lenten Retreat for the youngsters of the Archdiocese of Goa-Daman on 3rd March, 2024 at Taleigao Community Centre. The vibrant team of the DYC i.e. The Diocesan Executive Committee (DEXCO) under the guidance of its Director, Fr. Blaise Lobo and meticulously planned and with the help of 50 volunteers, fervently executed the whole event with the theme ‘Rise Anew in Spirit for the Reign of God.’

There were approximately 1000+ young participants with a burning desire for a unique spiritual experience. The whole venue was adorned with creative setups crafted by Fr. Jovial (Borda) and Fr. Dyrel (Verna) along with their dedicated youth; the scene of St. John the Baptist symbolising new life from the baptismal water, scene of ‘Jesus knocking at the door’ waiting for us to open our lives to a new life, and the scene of ‘Jesus carrying the cross’ which reminds us that Jesus is there to help us lift our daily cross. The whole venue was also adorned with sayings and quotes from the Bible and young saints.

The youngsters were swirled to the rocking beats of the young band members of the DYC in praise and worship to lift up their hearts to the Divine Spirit. It was followed by a power packed input session on \’falling in love with Jesus’ delivered by Fr. Blaise. In his session he reminded the youngsters that even though our life seems screwed and unwanted, we still have hope in Christ who lifts us up to a beautiful change. The Eucharistic Celebration was presided over by Fr. Lucio Dias, the Episcopal Vicar, who was also Youth Director of DYC in the year 1996-2004.

The evening session included Sacrament of Confession and Taize Prayer which enkindled in the youth a deep connections in the suffering go Christ. It was followed by reflective activity wherein the youngsters had to share their values with each other on a symbol of a candle.

The whole Retreat was a fruitful experience which was also shared by the participating youth, who went back with a nourished spirit and renewed grace.

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