The significance of Maundy Thursday

“ Unto Him that loved us,and washed us from our sins in His own blood! – Rev. 1: 5

Christians around the world are marking Maundy Thursday, As one of the key event in Easter’s Holy  Week.

What is the significance of Maundy Thursday?

The Thursday before Good Friday is observed as Maundy Thursday.It is the day when Jesus celebrated his final Passover with his disciples. The celebration marks his commandment to the disciples” I give you a new commandment Love one another,  as I have loved you”. Lk 1: 34.

Why is  Maundy Thursday Important ?

Maundy Thursday ushers the Paschal Triduum, the period of three days commemorating the Passion of Christ ( the final hours) death and resurrection of Jesus.  However, this Thursday also commemorate significant events in the Bible and the Christian faith.

  • Washing of the feet
  • The institution of Holy Eucharist, also known as Lord\’s Supper or Communion and Institution of Holy  Priesthood.

During  The Last Supper, Jesus washed the feet of his 12 disciples and they shared their final meal. Jesus’s  washing of the feet is an illustration of a humble mission of service. The act has also come to symbolize the cleansing of sin and so Jesus\’s new commandment is urging his disciples to show forgiveness to all. He establishes the special priesthood for his disciples, which is distinct from other Priesthood, who would become the first priests. Today, this establishment of the priesthood  is re -enacted during Maundy Thursday services, With the priests washing the feet of his  people.

According to the gospel of John, Jesus told his followers. If I then, Your Lord and teacher, have   washed your feet, You also ought to wash one another\’s  feet.

“ For I have given you an example, That you also should do just as I have done for you”.

In the gospels,  the Last Supper is described as the final meal of Jesus Christ and his disciples before his arrest and crucifixion . It is called the Last Supper because it was the final time, Jesus and his disciples gathered around a table together for a meal, which came to be known as the institution of the holy Eucharist remembering how Jesus gave his body( symbolized as  bread) and blood  ( wine) In a sacrifice for the salvation of humanity.

The washing of the feet and the sacrament of the Eucharist are the two expressions of one and the same mystery of love entrusted to the disciples, and Jesus says, “ as I have done …. So also must  you do\”.( Jn 13: 15)

Written by Sr. Justina Vaz