Way of cross conducted throughout the village of Pilerne

Way of cross conducted throughout the village of Pilerne

The way of cross was conducted throughout the village of Pilerne on the 10th of March 2024 giving the parishioners an opportunity to participate prayerfully in the season of Lent. The devotion began with the first station at the church, where people walked their way through the streets and wards, halting and praying the stations of the cross preferably at the chapels in each ward. The ward leaders took the initiative to conduct each of the station of the cross in their ward, gathering all the ward members and praying together. The theme that was highlighted was ‘relationships’ i.e. the various relationships we have in our day to day life like relationships in our families, workplace, church etc. and how we should understand and cope with each other through Christ was demonstrated through posters. All through the journey hymns were sung and the rosary was prayed for various intentions. The way of the cross ended at Mae de Deus chapel in in Moica vaddo ward by around 9 pm.

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