Embark on a spiritual journey as we present the Exposition of St. Francis Xavier 2024-2025, a profound exploration of faith, compassion, and the enduring legacy of a saint who touched countless lives with his selfless devotion


Circulars & Decrees


From The Desk's of

Archbishop Filipe Neri Cardinal Ferrão

Archbishop of Goa and Daman

I welcome heartily the creation of yet another website in our Archdiocese. Managed by our Diocesan Centre for Social Communications Media, this website aims at reaching out to a much greater number of ‘netizens’, as compared to our existing…

Fr. Barry Cardozo

Director – DCSCM

“The Catholic Church and all people of goodwill see great potential in social media when the “net” and “networks” bring people together, help them share useful information and educate one another” said Pope Francis in his message for World…

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